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Truckloads of Cap'n Crunch!

 October 13, 2020 - Home MTC Week 2

Was ein Woche!

Have you ever felt like a week went by but felt more like a dream? I'll get to that later.


   This week officially marks the 2nd week of my MTC experience, but it is entering the third week of learning, which means that by the end of this week I'll have gotten halfway through MTC! (I know, none of that made sense to me either.)(I'm not jumping ahead, I promise I'll wait to make my "Halfway through MTC Announcement on the next one.) 

My typical HMTC breakfast(Danke Sister Blodgett!)(apparently the MTC goes through truckloads of this stuff)(and it makes sense!)
My typical HMTC breakfast(Danke Sister Blodgett!)(apparently the MTC goes through truckloads of this stuff)(and it makes sense!)

    There were a lot of things that happened this week, We recently started teaching lessons Auf Deutsch! I could not be happier to be learning such an awesome language, although it has been frustrating trying to communicate when you feel so restricted God has always found a way to get across what you want to, for the longest while before my mission I always worried that I might offend someone when trying to speak to them with such limited knowledge, this week we watched a video that helped me realize that when we are trying our best and preaching the word of God hardly ever will we offend someone! Ich Liebe Das Evangelium!


My study buddy(and often my home companion)

     I was just thinking, "Man this week was not too exciting." and then the lord was like "Try again!" I received my Reassignment!! I am temporarily reassigned to the Texas, Fort Worth Mission! I fly out on the week of November 10th. I am one of 5 people in my district who have been reassigned to the mission and I can hardly wait to join my friend Elder Blodgett! (Although not the same mission I think we can agree it's the best reassignment.) 


My temporary reassignment!

     You guys! The Sons of Mosiah are the bomb! if you haven't read about them they are basically the biggest missionary powerhouse in the book! We have recently been studying about Ammon and his journeys and I am about to go into the stories of his brothers who were imprisoned in Middoni. 

     The Lord's work is moving fast Brothers and Sisters, and the time of the lord's second coming is close. I invite you all to invest ourselves during this time of self-quarantine to get out there! (Socially distanced of course)and spread the word! I have been reading a lot from a book called "Mormon Doctrine" by Bruce R. McConkie(Thanks Grandpa!) If you look up "missionary" in the book it says "Every member of the church is a missionary, with the responsibility of teaching the gospel by word and deed to our father's other children."(This book is a little older so some of the gospel it talks about has changed but a majority of this book is still applicable.) The book goes on to say that this responsibility is given to us by church membership alone, it is through no special calling, this responsibility was given to us under the covenant of baptism! we promised "To stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places that ye may be in even until death."(Mosiah 18:9) Pretty intense right? But it's true! This week (In true missionary fashion) I want to invite you guys to find a way to share the gospel with someone you know might need it, (Try for a minimum of two people) I'm going to try doing it too! I know that as we spread God's word that he will bless in our own lives! God loves you and is looking out for you!


I got my endowments(About a week ago but better late than never)(thanks to everyone who was able to come, it was a blast!)

The Bois!

       Ich Liebe das Evangelium und ich liebe meine Gott und Jesus Christus. 

Im name Jesu Christi, Amen.

See you guys next week!

All Feet Are The Same!

Elder Barker


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