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Were Half way there! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH I love sayin Prayers!

October 20, 2020 - Home MTC Week 3 

Y'all like my remix? (practicing my Texan)

       How are you guys doing! This week has been a huge adventure, so much has been going on, and yet as I'm writing this I am struggling to remember everything I want to write. Let's get into it!

       As far as German goes the language is coming along well! yesterday we started teaching Daniel(TRC) and as we were teaching him I was impressed by how much I was able to understand, every time a lesson comes I can get pretty stressed right beforehand, I'm sure this is going to change as I teach more lessons, but it didn't change the fact that I was freaked out at teaching a new person. It has impressed me more and more about how much I have been able to feel the spirit these past 3 weeks. I've told a couple people this already but at the beginning of online MTC, I wasn't sure that it would work out. I couldn't imagine a situation where the spirit could be felt over a Zoom call, before Covid-19 I had never thought about that, but over these last 3 weeks, I have been able to feel the spirit with me constantly! I know that while I am doing this mission I do not have to do it alone but I do have to do my part.

Yep, the silly picture(Good Grandma and Grandpa! Tennessee is lucky to have you!)

       One thing I learned this week is that it's not about me, obviously, this situation isn't fair to about every person on this planet(I dare you to prove me wrong). try to think of someone who hasn't been affected by this pandemic. I realized this last week that I need to change my attitude, I need to be willing to serve wherever I am needed and to go wherever I am needed, If I need to go to Texas before Germany than Texas it is Baby! my attitude is not going to stop the lords work, rather than praying for myself I should be thinking of those around or how best I can improve. I wished that I had realized this sooner because the last 3 days since I realized and started trying to change how I acted, I could feel the spirit more as I studied.

       Giving ourselves FULLY to the work is not something where you say "Oh, yeah, I'm invested!" its more of a gradual process it involves changing the way we think and how we react, but I can tell, once I have changed my attitude about all of this the mission and every frustrating experience will become that much easier!

Another cool shot of the Ogden Temple.

         I think this is going to be a more spiritual email so sorry but not sorry, THE SPIRIT IS AWESOME! if you guys ever get the chance I want you to study Alma 14. It's a pretty heavy chapter but I want you to ask yourself, Why do you think that bad things happen to good people? I have already put in a bit of thought on this topic and I decided to make this a challenge(In true missionary fashion) study this scripture thoroughly! Pray as you do so I promise you that God will reach down and answer your question, it may not be what you expected it to be(in fact it probably won't be) but I know that you will receive an answer. I challenge you to do this and send me back an email about what answer you received! (Obviously, if your answer was super personal you should keep it between you and God, but I would love to hear what your thoughts are on the topic!)(Also I love reading your responses!)

        Oh Yeah! This is my third email! as of today I am halfway through online MTC, I can't wait to get to the field and spread this awesome gospel! have a good one! Y'all have a great week! (See my Texan?) and don't forget to study!

All Feet Are The Same!!!
-Elder Barker


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