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 October 27, 2020 - Home MTC Week 4

Hallo Alles!
      Yep you read right! I only have two more weeks of MTC! some of you know elder Larson but his quote stuck out to me the most this past week. "The weeks feel like days and the days feel like weeks."
      There has been a lot of news going around about Germany and the Berlin mission right now but I think the most trustworthy part of it all is I have received information that my Visa is being processed! So good stuff is happening! I am supposed to get my flight plans to Texas here pretty soon , so I'll let y'all know!(See what I did there?)

Fun fact: most of us actually study in the same room with the same lighting and same computer quality and everything!

   These last couple weeks the sisters in our district have made it quite clear that we as a district need to watch what we say, because what we say may just be recorded down for posterity,(As passive aggressive as it sounds that's not actually how it goes) The sisters keep a record of the funny quotes that we say as a district. Quotes that are funny in the moment and funny when taken out of context. and this has motivated me to also keep a similar journal, although I'm not to good at remembering to put stuff down, some of the stuff I write down make me question what people are going to think when they read this in the future(I'm sure they'll think, "oh my grandpa's first district was so funny." and "Man my grandpa was handsome in a tie!" or something along those lines.😂)so in the hopes of having my emails make you laugh, I'm gonna try to remember to write some of these down so I can share them with you at the end!

   (I bet y'all thought there would be some quotes at the end of that. you'll have to wait to the end!😁)(Or just scroll down I guess.)( should keep reading though😎.)
    So a lot of you know that I have been playing the trumpet for quite some time now, but a lot of you don't know the person who taught me almost everything I know! (A little bit of context) when we lived in heber, I started playing the Trumpet(Around the age of 5) practicing here and there and eventually my parents started making me practice the trumpet for 30 min everyday. I hated it. if there was anything I knew in those moments of a 5 year old I did not want to play the trumpet. When we moved to Utah I started taking lessons and had the support of a teacher and this helped a lot but I still felt no joy in what I was playing. I switched teachers around 2018 to Dr. Seretta Hart, at this point I was getting pretty good, but I was still frustrated, I knew I wasn't actually doing all that well and I couldn't figure out why. I said I wanted to play the trumpet in life mostly because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do, and it made the most sense to me.after I started taking lessons from seretta my whole perspective changed, I learned to love music and everything about it, I learned to find joy in certain parts of learning and practicing that I had never known possible! and ever since a lot of you know my favorite genres of music are Jazz and Classical, and I couldn't have been prouder. I had explored so many career options and still wasn't sure what to do and about 6 months of learning from Dr. Hart I knew it had to be music, I didn't care what everyone thought about how much sense it made or how much money I would make, I(To this day) cannot see me working any other career path.( if anything HMTC has cemented in my brain that I shouldn't work a desk job.)(Meine Schreibtisch ist eine Chaos!)(Hehe, I love the German word for mess.) Thank you seretta for instilling in me this awesome love of music, I can't wait to get back and pick up the trumpet again and continue to study music in college!, keep on inspiring!!

Thanks again Seretta! See you in two!

        3.Peanut Butter Toast!!
   You guys! I'm convinced that (Specifically Crunchy) Peanut Butter Toast is the best thing to have for breakfast when it's cold and way too early! (Thought you might like to know!)😋

    So how did your studies go this week?!(I believe that we looked at Alma 14) This chapter is pretty sad, and I asked you guys, why do you think bad things happen to good people?
     When we talked about this as a district I came to the conclusion that bad things are going to happen to us; it is simply why we are here! To learn, to grow and become like Christ and our Father in heaven! makes the different thought, is whether or not we choose to handle our trials with God. "11 But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory;..."  (I know the punctuation is weird copy n paste is weird man). Think about that verse for a minute... when it says that they are received in glory an image come into my mind of Christ and God receiving all of those lost and give them this big hug, a lot of people might see this and ask were God was then and I will confidently tell you that god was with the people seeing them through to the end of there trial, and when they returned to him he wept with joy in there return and for the immense love that he has for all of his children. Ich weiss dass Gott Liebt sie und liebt uns. Ich bin sehr Dankbar für das sühnopfer. I know that God loves all of you and can't wait until I can see him again and run and give my heavenly parents a big giant hug!

I love my district Today was Malte Roggows "Official" last day of teaching us. we'll miss you! thanks for all your guidance!!(Upper left hand corner)

        5.My new favorite scripture!
    Doctrine and Covenants 24:12(Give it a read!) ( I may be biased on a couple accounts😂)_

That's all folks! Make sure and have a great week!
Alle Füße sind gleich!


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