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Ready or Not (Texas) Here I Come!

 November 3, 2020 - Home MTC Week 5

Meine Gute!!

    This week has been Krass! The biggest thing to note is probably, that next time you hear from me, I'll be typin from Texas! That's right, I'll be flyin out from Utah for two years as of next Tuesday! I am hopeful that I will be heading for Germany soon, but until then, I am happy to serve the lord wherever I am needed!

The Best District!(Lehi for life!)(Do you guys also think they should make a new district movie?)

    There was a lot that happened this week, one of the greatest things that happened was that I was able to hang out with My good friends the Blodgetts and the Greenes up the canyon! I have always loved Utah's Mountains and I think that is one of the things I am going to miss but I was happy to be able to have an awesome time roasting and cooking Woofem's by the fire.(That's right Auto Correct, I meant Woofem's)(If your not sure what a Woofem is your missing out one some pretty good joy.)(Send me an email! They're pretty easy to make!)
    One of the things I learned from the get together is that my mental sanity has gone down Exponentially. My brain was not thinking at all before my mouth started runnin and in the wise words of my mom that night."he's been spending A LOT of time in that room." But seriously though, I could not have been more grateful for the chance to get together with everyone in the Utah's Great outdoors. I love living right next to a National Forest!! I love Utah! 

Happy Halloween!(it's days like this that help me get through the hard times of HMTC😂)

    I love my district, and it makes me really sad to know that this is my last week to be with them,(Well, most of them, most of them are actually going to Fort Worth! I might even see them at the airport when I leave!)(This is still for all of them though!) I never thought that Online MTC was going to work out. How was I supposed to Connect with people who lived a thousand miles away, that I may never meet in person? It only took one week for all of us to really connect and get to know each other! I love my district so much and could not be more grateful for their amazing example, they all have the most amazing testimonies and I can't wait to see how they do in the field, I have first hand knowledge that all of them although maybe nervous have this amazing desire to go out and spread this wonderful gospel and I know that they WILL change lives!!! I love you guys! Y'all have been an amazing example to me, and I can't wait to see y'all again in Germany!(and the Bonfire when we get back of course!!) Y'all are the bomb!(See what I did there!)

So we play this game where if you screen you'll probably get caught in the wise words of Brother Little "Have I ever told you guys how much I love Technology?"

     I realized after I sent out my email last week that I never included any quotes!! I promise there will be some at the end of this email, but along with that, You all know how much I love music, so I have decided that I will try and share an instrumentally/lyrically inspiring song at the end of every email(Missionary approved of course!) I want to do this in the hopes of helping you find some peace and inspiration in these crazy and turbulent times. (WARNING: SHAMELESS PLUG INCOMING.) If you guys want to listen to some of it every day, lookup spencerdb4 on Spotify and the playlist is under Spiritually Inspiring.(TOLD YOU.)

      Happy Halloween! What did you guys dress up as? I decided to be a missionary so that was fun! Our district had Halloween which was so much fun, The Sister Dritt became the Elder Dritt 2.0 and Elder Brough found a way to scare Brother Roggow everytime he turned on his camera. Gut gemacht Elder Brough!!

Our first ever only Elders Pic!

     Take a second before moving on to think about how many times you talk to someone in a day(Texting, face to face, on the phone, in the mail(if you still do that)) and think about how many times you talk about the Gospel with someone else. have ever thought about how many missed opportunities there are that we all pass by, how many times the spirit may be trying to prompt us but we don't listen thinking it's one of our crazy thoughts,"If it is good, then it is of God." For my spiritual thought today I want to talk about the spirit and specifically: Spiritual Promptings.
      This last week I made a promise(After watching "On the Lord's Errand." Thomas S. Monson has had some amazing impressions on me in my life. yall should give it a watch.) I had just seen the story about how Thomas S. Monson made a promise to always follow a spiritual prompting. I decided I would do the same thing, I knelt down and  promised God that I would follow every spiritual prompting to the best of my ability. Afterward, I definitely felt myself get closer to the spirit and felt more promptings throughout the day
Last Sunday was a fast and testimony meeting and my mom told me I should go up and share(I shrugged it off) I continued to have this nagging thought to go up and share my presentation. Now for some context I had already been asked to give the closing prayer so I felt that my time up at the pulpit would be fulfilled then. I continued to have this nagging feeling throughout the entire meeting, never thinking that it could be the spirit, and right as the 1st councilor got up to end the meeting I had this distinct thought enter my mind.
"I thought you said you would listen to me."

        This hit me hard. I had never thought I was ignoring the Holy Ghost, but I had closed my heart to what could have been an amazing blessing for someone in that congregation. In that moment I realized I had failed to follow up on my promise and failed those that needed whatever would have been the result of my acting on that prompting.
         I invite you guys to challenge yourself to act on every little weird idea that may come to you head, because that idea may even change a life on day. The spirit tells us to do things for a reason and I know that when we act on the good things that come to us(Which seems a little intimidating.) we can have the trust of the lord on our side. we will be able to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion in everything we do.  

Not quite the Sunday Funnies but pretty darn hilarious.
-"Wie sagt man McChicken?"-Elder Thompson
-"Wie sagt man "Negative Ghost Rider?"-Elder Thompson
-"The Priest Flew water at me"-Elder Bettridge
-"Bruder Roggow, Wie sagt man "Cut a deer?"-Sister McCann-"
-"Christ would say the internet sucks here."-Brother Roggow

I'm pretty proud of the fact that I wore a baseball cap for 99% or my highschool career. This was the first time I had put one on in 5 1/2 weeks! (New me Record!)(Gotta rep the jazz!)

Inspirational Song of the week
Freedom-Micheal W. Smith
Smith is a religious composer who I found during MTC He has a lot of good and inspirational music to listen to, but this song has stuck with me. 

Send me some emails guys! I love to hear from you and see how your lives are going. it makes my day! let me know if there is anyone else who should be added to this email!

Alle füße sind gleich!
-Elder Barker 


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